PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited or PTTEP conducts business in petroleum exploration, development, and production to support Thailand's energy security and the energy demand of countries we operate in. PTTEP believes that the power of collaboration can drive business, society and the environment towards sustainability. Additionally, the Company collaborates with other partners to strive to create benefits for society and the environment on a large scale, in carrying out social projects under the Ocean for Life strategy, of 3 workstreams: 1) Sustainable Ocean-Friendly Operations 2) Sustainable Ocean Health and Blue Carbon Solutions and 3) Sustainable Community around the Ocean.
In this regard, the Company has established the PTTEP Ocean Data Platform, which has been initiated since 2021 to support the Company's aspiration to become the guardian of marine conservation. Our duty is to safeguard, preserve, and protect the ocean, which is like a second home. Since our operating areas are mostly offshore, PTTEP is committed to taking part in disclosing marine science data around the offshore operation covering both in Thailand and abroad through collaboration with various sectors; such as governmental agencies, leading universities, and sustainability-focused independent organizations. The disclosure of such data to the public aims to encourage the innovative utilization on a broader scale. This is particularly relevant as currently, there is limited availability of offshore marine scientific data of Thailand.
In 2022, PTTEP Ocean Data Platform was successfully disclosed to the public to provide ocean science data from our researches and initiatives undertaken under the “Ocean for Life” strategy. PTTEP uses our strengths in terms of offshore operation sites, readiness and expertise in advanced technology, together with a strong collaboration with various sectors. Furthermore, PTTEP collaborates with leading universities and institutions through mechanisms such as signing Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). Notable collaborations include MoU on enhancing ocean sustainability with Kasetsart University, MoU on Ocean for Life collaboration with the Department of Marine and Coastal Resources (DMCR), MoU on cooperation in addressing climate change and biodiversity conservation with the Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning (ONEP), and MoU on development of ocean data platform with the Hydro-Informatics Institute (HII). These partnerships support the sustainability of oceans, aligning with the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14: Life Below Water.
1. To collect marine science data using PTTEP offshore petroleum platforms as data collection stations; such as meteorological data, oceanographic data, information from various projects under the “Ocean for Life” strategy, including monitoring of marine health and concrete conservation and rehabilitation of the sea for further disclosure information to the public and enhancing creative applications on a large scale.
2. To build and strengthen ocean sustainability leading to concrete conservation and restoration of marine resources and in line with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14: Life Below Water – conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainability and the Ocean Health Index (OHI) of Thailand
The information will be of broad benefit to ocean scientists and agencies, researchers, and students. It may also lead to the development of various ocean conservation programs and prediction models for climate change and biodiversity.